Thursday, January 15, 2009


What pooptacular weather. Not to be mundane and absently discussing the weather or anything, but holy Bonhomme Carnaval was it ever freezing these last two days. And yes, this post is simply to talk about my day. You may disregard it.

So, I actually wore my thermal pants. Under my jeans. It made me feel all sexy and super awkward. I still froze to major shrinkage this morning, waiting for the goddamn bus to honor their promise of "increased service on line 105". Cowpoop.

It was so cold, it felt like I just returned from a ski trip every time I dodged inside in a random store on my way to another building. Hence, I had a huge snowboard-worthy (guilty) meal:

Then I felt bad and went to get a green tea at Starbucks. It was horrid. Oh, then I discovered a true GEM. I found out there an Omer DeSerres inside the EV building! How absolutely crazy. I splurged a whole 5$ on charcoals.

The last time I've actually used charcoals was probably in primary school (grade school, elementary school, whatever. Jsuis Queb, sti). But I've always wanted to pick it back up, and my recent renewed interest in the visual arts made me go "Why not now?" Ain't I right?

Also, I had no idea white charcoal existed. It must be magical.

Then, after a long and arctic day, I found myself wondering just how I kept sane while waiting amidst a MASSIVE THRONG of people, all waiting to get on the bus ride to home sweet home.

1 comment:

~ Faith said...

Charcoal can be tricky... luckily those charcoal pencils make it less messy. Good luck with the cold and stay warm!