Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pizza Disaster

          I'm chewing on a bite of vegetarian pizza. It's rather bland, with a slightly pasty feel which sort of reminds me of hardening candle wax. I've never tasted wax, mind you, but that's what this pizza nonetheless reminds me of. I've also never eaten vegetarian pizza before, and I wonder if this is what vegetarian pizza should taste like. Anyway, like I was saying, I'm chewing on a bite of vegetarian pizza, when I see her. She's holding a pamphlet of some kind which, from her confused expression and scouting glances, I guess must be a map. Frustrated, she crumples the map in one hand, and turns to the nearest passerby, trying to get his attention. Unsurprisingly, the man goes on about his business, turning his head away, in that ever familiar attempt at nonchalance from the typical city dweller. After witnessing a few more fruitless attempts, I debate whether I should come to her aid. Of course I should, I tell myself. She needs help, I can help her. Probably. Suddenly, a voice shakes me out of my musings. Looking up, I am slightly shocked at seeing a pair of piercing blue eyes gazing back.
          "Having fun?"
          I realize the eyes aren't as much piercing as they are angry. I kind of knew that "piercing blue eyes" was only a cliché found in novels. A second realization sinks in: I am expected to answer.
          "Um..." I manage dashingly.
          "I hope I entertained you thoroughly with that spectacle. Thank you. Really."
          She glares at me some more with those disdainful eyes.
          She is beautiful.
          "Wow. Are you for real? Give me a break," she huffs, before turning to leave.
          It takes a few seconds for it to dawn on me that I spoke my last thought out loud. What a moron. I swallow. A lump of chewy stuff makes it way down my throat. The pizza, I note with an inward groan. Not only did I have my foot in my mouth, it was also happily stomping down on a half-chewed piece of pizza disaster.
          "Wait," I let out, standing up hastily. I freeze. What now? What a moron, I think again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."
          She turns around, still glaring. I briefly wonder what other people must be thinking. The food court-like place was in the middle of the subway station corridor, with a delimiting border giving the customers a sense of seclusion from the chaotic pedestrian traffic. We're both standing on either sides of the social fence. I'm standing up right at my spot at the table, my chair had fallen over with the weight of my backpack hanging on it.
          "I mean, I did mean it, you're beautiful, it just wasn't supposed to come out." I was babbling. I didn't know I could babble. They say self-discovery is a lifetime process. "Let me help you, " I finally blurt out, then hold my breath.
          She looks at me oddly for a moment, then sighs, looking down briefly. "Sure."

Note: That went nowhere.
Note²: I don't suppose pizza in the middle of the night is any healthy.

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