Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Say What?

So, a lot of people, swept by mass consumerist trendism, like iPods. Others like them just because. I don't like them. Most iPod owners will say that they sound great, and that the earphones aren't bad at all.

Well, okay.

My rebuttal is to ask them if they've tried other music players, and other head/earphones. Most of them haven't.

That's all good, though, if you're happy with your iPod, then who am I to try to make you think otherwise, right? Well, I don't know. If I could convince people that they're paying good money for something that doesn't perform as good as it should for the price, and that they could get better for the same price, then shouldn't I try?

I'll leave aside the iPod and iPhone. But the earphones they give you. Throw them away. Too many people like them for the "trendy" aspect. Some even go as far as buy new replacements after losing/breaking their original pair. I guess that can't be helped, but I think you should ask yourself if you have an iPod for looks or for music.

If it's for music, then try other earphones. In-Ear models are superb low-profile and noise-insulated earphones. Take a look around the net, and you'll get opinions on some well-regarded earphones. Just try it, you'll be blown away.

And to end this rant:


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour



Is it that hard to shut off everything in your house for one hour? Not just the lights, go deep. Microwave, television sets, computers. I do not want any internet traffic in my timezone during Earth Hour.

It's a small act, but I think it has purpose. The act itself of turning off all lights for one hour is not significant enough to change anything. But, it serves to increase people's awareness of the situation, of the environment crisis.

Whether it be by "trendy" eco-bags or whatever, I don't care. If it works, it works. We'll worry about the Americanization afterward. Earth Hour is not simply 60 minutes. It's a lifetime process not only for yourself, but also for you to incite other people to join in on this ecological crusade.

Now I'm going to annoy some of you who don't care, but.
Recycle. Reuse. Reduce.
That sleeve for your coffee? I admit that some of you might need it. It does get scalding. However, can you use it again? Absolutely. Don't throw it away. Fold it, keep it in your handbag, whatever. Next time you get a coffee cup, present them your conserved sleeve and they won't have to use a new one. If you don't want to offend commercial sensitivities, you can get a sleeve from each coffee shop chain.

There is much more. Learn of it. Apply it.



This is a blog, isn't it? So I've decided on this day to blog about my thoughts, something I've rarely ever done. Not through short stories, not through half-assed drawings, and not through musical drafts. This time I've decided to speak.

So today is the first time in my memory that I am alone for my birthday. I am alone, but not lonely. I know I have people who care, and whom I care about. I was with people shortly before, in the wee hours of the morning that we still consider the late night. I had my first poutine of the year, and it was a good one.

This evening, alone in front of my computer, I found myself looking back at my past twenty-some years. Years which felt so long, a true lifetime, but in the scheme of this decade, this century, this Earth lifetime, so very insignificant. And that's where my mind rebelled. Is it so insignificant? I very rarely indulge in reminiscing, preferring to live in the present, look towards the future, and all that. But I've decided to take a good look at my accomplishments or lack thereof.

What have I done of my dreams of old, of youth? I haven't written a book. I haven't written a script. I haven't ever painted. I haven't composed a full piece. I haven't been in a play. I haven't done anything significant in the fight for environment, apart from diligently recycling and re-using. I can't skate properly. I can't do flips. I haven't learned a lot of things I wanted to learn; skills, facts, theories, knowledge. I have failed at friendship once and wish it would be resolved. I knew anger many times, and I've hated. I don't know where I'm going.

I've made new friends. I've come to actually care and believe in social interactions. I've come a long way from my first piano lesson. I've learned of the inherent altruism in me. I've also come a long way in martial arts, and it excites me to see the road that lies ahead. I believe in my writing abilities. I've built a computer. I have traveled in recent years, and am looking forward to much more. I've discovered the beauty of photography. I have laughed. I have loved. I know who I am.

There is that dormant ambition within me which flares up from time to time. I've come to terms with it. I've come to realize it doesn't matter what I've created, what mark I've left on the world. What matters is who I am, if I live my life truely, honestly. And ideally, in a positive karmic way. I know this to be difficult, for I am very aware of the darkness that lurks beneath, in the back of my mind, from older times.

I am old today. Perhaps it is for the best.

I'm done thinking for the year, would anyone like to join me for coffee tonight?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tinkering (2)

Messed up the html and had to delete my post. Fail.

I'm also trying out a new way to embed my audio stuff.

What was posted before:

"Taking a short break from paper-writing. As per usual, one shot.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bleaaargh and such.

One shot with no warm-up. It's a little insight into my improvising process. So, this is completely free-flow, trying to come up with good bits, so it may lack any kind of linearity and rhythm. Also, it sucks.

Oh, and again it's in mono, so sorry about that. I'm trying to find a stereo cable somewhere, but apparently they're a rare species.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I do not own anything green.

Happy St Paddy's.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



In the end, I guess I can't stay away from pencil. This was done with a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. And its eraser =P. I suppose this is incomplete. I will finish it sometime soon.

Also, I can't figure out why the scanner does not work so I had to resort to taking a picture of it.

Suggestions, please?

EDIT: I totally forgot there should be a second wing. Eh.

EDIT²: Suggestions on the drawing! =P

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Click Click Click.

Alright, so I didn't intend on posting up Lyon pics, but I decided that I will. Some of the pictures turned out quite nice, in my humble opinion, so I've decided to share some of them.

Lyon ended up being really good training for photography, training that I desperately needed and still do. On that note, I'm really looking for criticism on how some of these shots could have been improved or whatever.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



That is ridiculous.

Somehow, my network refuses to work properly and I can't link my laptop to the rest of my home network. Therefore, I have to resort to transfering all my Lyon pictures to a usb key, to then transfer them back to my desktop.

This annoys me slightly.