Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Click Click Click.

Alright, so I didn't intend on posting up Lyon pics, but I decided that I will. Some of the pictures turned out quite nice, in my humble opinion, so I've decided to share some of them.

Lyon ended up being really good training for photography, training that I desperately needed and still do. On that note, I'm really looking for criticism on how some of these shots could have been improved or whatever.


Unknown said...

wow really good pictures..

Arashi said...

Thanks a lot!

I guess it helps when the surroundings are so beautiful.

Joyti said...

They are beautiful...especially the night-shot of the bridge and the one of the lights amid dark tree branches...

Arashi said...

Thanks a lot. The dark tree with lanterns is one my faves as well.

Also, you've an amazing blog, but I think I've said this before.

Kilian said...

That is really funny.
Was reading one of your comment about lamps on ea blog and was going to tell you that you would enjoy "la fête des lumieres" at Lyon.

Arashi said...

That is indeed quite funny. Sadly I was there a little too late, but I really wish I could have seen that.

So where are you from?

Kilian said...

Well I'm french and I'm studying in Lyon :)

Arashi said...

Now that is even sadder! I guess we've missed a possibly good opportunity here.

Although, there's a possibility I might go back in May/June.

Arashi said...

Also, are you on strike too right now?

Kilian said...

Yes I am, I've got sthg like 3hrs of class/week.
If I understand everything right, you were in Lyon, but just for a few weeks, or a shot period?

I mean You came, and You went :d

Arashi said...

Only one week, actually. My girlfriend is studying there right now.

Here's her very wordy blog ;)

Kilian said...

Well, funny coïncidence hehe ;)
It's really interesting to see her point of view (as a student from abroad) on the strike.
She did a good job summing it up.

Arashi said...

Yeah, it sounds pretty ridiculous ;)

Also, this is unrelated but your English is really good. I'm guessing from your name that you're not francophone-born?

Kilian said...

Well, thanks you but you guessed wrong. I'm "francophone-born" but I really enjoy learning languages (even if I only learned english/spanish)

Arashi said...

Well, good on you! I'm also a little bit of a linguistics lover.