Thursday, February 12, 2009



Decided to go for a stroll around downtown Montreal at night to take some pictures.

I managed perhaps only 4 good pictures out of 60.

I need a tripod.

I need to learn how to take pictures.


~ Faith said...

Haha, I know what you mean! I'm taking a photography class right now using black and white film. It can be quite discouraging shooting a whole roll only to develop the film and find out you shot it all at too high an exposure! Ugh. Happy Valentine's Day!!


Arashi said...

Yes, I guess a photography class would do no harm.

Also, thanks, but whatever happened to black hearts? ;)

paintMEpurple said...

these pics are great, especially the one in the...umm...Atwater Tunnel.

good jorb!

Arashi said...

Close but no cigar! It's actually some random underpass hehe.

I'm so flabbergasted that you would compliment these pictures. But thanks.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

third Picture is awesome!!!

Munim said...

Yeah a tripod is essential, for day and night. Too bad nice ones cost close to a grand all said and done. :( Photography is expensive!