Thursday, March 12, 2009



In the end, I guess I can't stay away from pencil. This was done with a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. And its eraser =P. I suppose this is incomplete. I will finish it sometime soon.

Also, I can't figure out why the scanner does not work so I had to resort to taking a picture of it.

Suggestions, please?

EDIT: I totally forgot there should be a second wing. Eh.

EDIT²: Suggestions on the drawing! =P


Anonymous said...

Suggestions on the drawing, or suggestions on the scanner? :P


Anonymous said...

make it a one winged angel.
but its true you can't stay away from the pencil, if you know what i mean :P

Arashi said...

Hah, suggestions to the drawing.

Also, Phil??

paintMEpurple said...

give her some clothes!....and a nipple at least.

aahaa. i'm so silly.

Arashi said...

Lol, I actually tried going the nipple route. And it didn't work out too well. I'll keep trying though.

paintMEpurple said...

yes, keep trying the nipple thing. hahah!.
btw, sir, anthony and i havent seen around lately. where you hidin!?

Arashi said...

Home, and at Loyola =P

Usually I'm only downtown to go to the gym or meet up with people. This week's been pretty heavy workload-wise, so I've been hermitting.

Also, why am I not using Facebook instead? lol.

Teabagstains said...

oh its so lovely even if it has only one wing :P
i wait for the end result..

Arashi said...

Thank you. I might leave it as a one winged angel. Although it definitely isn't complete.

Joyti said...

Thank you for the recommendation. Do you have any brands/importers you prefer for your tea?

Annisa NF said...

wow, great wing. I want to see it when it's done. lol. nice blog anyway.


Anonymous said...

this drawing is SOOOO OO OO oo o o o Emo.

Arashi said...

Damn, I suppose it is.