Friday, September 18, 2009

Les 7 doigts de la main - La Vie

I went to see "La Vie" by Les 7 doigts de la main (The 7 Fingers) tonight, at La Tohu.

More than circus, it was theatrical. And not theatrical in the way that Cirque du Soleil sees it, with big Mardi Gras-like costumes and masks; extravagant and surreal stages. No, this was raw, and beautiful.

The setting draws the audience into what appears to be a glimpse into the purgatory, after death. Then starts the telling of the stories of a few individuals who died, punctuated by beautiful, sorrowful aerial contortions, hilarious delirium, sensual and tense tango, brought to life by incredibly engaging characters.

At the end, all guests were invited to congregate around the stage, where a session of Q&A with the 7 artists (now with an additional live DJ who also has his own number), themselves the creators of the show.

I had always heard of Les 7 doigts de la main. But tonight was the first time I go see one of their shows. And I would go again: tomorrow, if I could. So should you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009